
About Me Youth Insight Survey
This insight survey is something an individual could utilize for themselves or when working with a coach. It is for the individual, to provide insight into what you enjoy, your interests, and what matters.

Confidence Builder
The confidence builder is intended to help individuals to gain and maintain self-awareness of strengths, but also recognize short-comings as areas for improvement or improvement. 

We use an approach to goal-setting that helps identify a detailed goal whether short-term or long-term and allows for contemplating the things that the goal impacts and that could impact reaching the goal.

Athlete Insight Survey
The insight survey is for you to provide your sport coach with information about you that will help that coach to help you grow as an athlete and create an environment where you can build on your capabilities.

Motive for Coaching
The motive for coaching exercise is something an individual could utilize early in the process or at any time to gain clarity about why coaching assistance is desired and/or what one hopes coaching can help to achieve.

Self-Recognize Exercise
This tool is something an individual utilizes to remain mindful of successes, and is useful for record keeping.

Wellness Wheel
The Wheel of Wellness exercise aids in examining your life; it gives a view of the parts of our “whole” self that influence how we feel, and identifies where a little attention could help you achieve maximum personal wellness.