A Wellness Wheel Exercise

There have been many evolutions of the Wellness Wheel.  Most now contain six or eight segments representing the different aspects of a person’s life.  A Wellness Wheel can help you to visualize the elements of your life and identify where there may be imbalances, allowing you to focus attention on certain elements to enhance your wellness.

The elements include the following:

Physical Wellness refers to the health of our physical body, and acknowledgment of our need for movement, nutrition and rest.

Emotional Wellness refers to our understanding for how we feel and our ability to cope with and share our feelings.

Intellectual Wellness refers to our ability to open our mind, use our mental power to deliberate, learn new things, apply knowledge and draw on experiences.

Spiritual Wellness refers to our connectedness to the universe through our perception of purpose, and behaviors that harmonize with our beliefs.

Social Wellness results from our connections to other people and involves a sense of belonging and feeling supported.

Environmental Wellness refers to what we do that impacts the quality of our environment, in our homes, our communities, and our planet.

Occupational Wellness refers to the sense of fulfillment we get from our job, current career field, or area of study.

Financial Wellness refers to our relationship with money and our ability to make decisions necessary for current and future financial needs.

For the exercise print off the exercise document (click on the image to download) and rate each of the elements that influence optimal wellness as you see these elements compared to your expectations. Consider the thoughts above about each element and on how it relates to wellness. If you don’t feel the explanation fits your perspective of an element then define it your way and rate it accordingly.